Prostatitis treatment regimen: review of drugs, application, therapy.

woman and man with prostatitis

One of the most common male diseases is prostatitis. With the development of this disease, an inflammatory process occurs in the area of the prostate gland in a man. Since this disease is quite common, you should familiarize yourself with the treatment regimen for prostatitis. It will depend on several factors. In particular, the treatment regimen for prostatitis should be based on the type of disease, as well as the reasons that led to the appearance of the inflammatory process.

Varieties of prostatitis.

The chronic form of prostatitis develops in a patient after microorganisms have entered the prostate, but there are other causes of this disease. Very often, age-related changes in a man, as well as congestion in the prostate gland, lead to this pathology. Even after careful adherence to the prostatitis treatment regimen, a relapse of the disease can be observed, which in most cases is caused by the following factors:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • weakened immune system;
  • transferred sexual infections;
  • constant stress;
  • improper diet and diet;
  • prostate injury;
  • of smoking;
  • hypothermia.
a cure for prostatitis

If the acute form of the disease is not treated in time, it becomes chronic. In parallel to this, chronic prostatitis is very difficult to determine in time, since in most cases it is asymptomatic, that is, the inflammatory process of the prostate is not accompanied by any signs. Both chronic and acute can be a bacterial type of prostatitis. Bacterial prostatitis can be formed due to the presence of various microorganisms, mainly enterococci, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

With such a disease, a man has characteristic signs of an acute form of prostatitis. However, the correct diagnosis is established by a specialist only after a thorough laboratory study. You should also pay attention to the fact that the bacterial form of prostatitis in most cases occurs in men older than 20 years.

development factors

Various factors can contribute to the development of the disease, among which the most frequent are:

  • weakened immune system;
  • reduced physical activity;
  • frequent hypothermia;
  • bad habits, such as smoking or drinking alcohol.

This pathology can also be caused by pathogens that enter the tissues of the prostate gland, which occurs in the presence of infection or after surgical intervention.

bacterial subspecies

The bacterial subspecies of acute prostatitis has many different symptoms, among which there is usually a local inflammatory syndrome, as well as a general inflammatory syndrome. In chronic bacterial prostatitis, the signs of the disease are less pronounced, but with exacerbations they begin to manifest themselves. Chronic prostatitis is not accompanied by such severe symptoms. The treatment regimen for prostatitis involves following all the recommendations that the doctor prescribed to the patient. The main drugs needed for such treatment are antibiotics. As a rule, the doctor prescribes its use for 2 weeks. Speaking about the treatment regimen for chronic prostatitis, it should also be noted that a specialist can prescribe macrolides, fluoroquinolones, and penicillins.

medical appointment for prostatitis

To eliminate the pain syndrome, drugs with anti-inflammatory properties are prescribed, which differ in this non-steroidal composition.

We continue to consider the treatment regimen for bacterial prostatitis. If the patient has such a symptom as a violation of urination, then he should take adrenergic blockers. Considering the treatment regimen for chronic prostatitis, it should also be mentioned that quite often a specialist prescribes antidepressants to a man, since patients with this disease experience insomnia.

stagnant subspecies

The congestive subspecies of prostatitis is also often referred to as noninfectious. It is the most common type of this disease. It is not an infection that contributes to its development, but a stagnant process localized directly in the prostate gland. If, during the development of this disease, a treatment regimen for prostatitis in men is not developed in time, then it can turn into a non-bacterial form. However, at an early stage, this pathology is insidious, since it is very difficult to detect.

What is the treatment regimen for prostatitis in men of this type? First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the inflammatory process, as well as to eliminate congestion in the prostate and in the pelvic area. Treatment must be comprehensive. An effective treatment regimen for prostatitis includes the following medications and procedures:

  1. Drugs intended to combat the chronic form of prostatitis, which should include drugs with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action.
  2. Medications intended to relax the muscles of the internal organs.
  3. Prostate massage.
  4. Physiotherapy procedures.
  5. Traditional medicine recipes.

Also, a man should pay close attention to sports, since physical activity is considered an important stage in therapy. It is best to use running or cycling for these purposes. And now it is worth getting acquainted in more detail with various methods of therapy, including the use of the most effective drugs for the treatment of prostatitis.

malaise with prostatitis

The scheme of treatment of the disease

Treatment methods for chronic prostatitis include not only the use of drugs, but also various procedures, such as massage, physiotherapy, and adherence to prevention. You need to become more familiar with the treatment regimen for prostatitis in men with medications and other procedures.


Speaking about the features of the treatment of prostatitis, first of all, it is necessary to single out the massage. If this procedure is done correctly, it will be very helpful for the prostate. There are a number of positive properties that massage has. These should include the following:

  1. Improved permeability of tissues.
  2. The release of the prostate gland from various pathogenic bacteria that accumulate in it.
  3. Normalization of blood circulation in the prostate.
  4. Elimination of congestion.

First of all, it is worth noting that massage is prescribed exclusively by a specialist who also performs it. Otherwise, this procedure can only aggravate the patient's situation. It is strictly forbidden to massage yourself at home, as this can lead to irreversible health consequences. It should be borne in mind that this procedure has a number of contraindications. For example, massage is contraindicated for those people who have cracks in the anus.

see a doctor for prostatitis

drug treatment

The organism of any patient is individual, therefore, the treatment regimen for prostatitis with antibiotics and other drugs should be selected only by a specialist who takes into account the general condition of the patient, laboratory data and the stage of progression of the illness.

antibacterial agents

Antibacterial drugs are prescribed by specialists for an infectious type of prostatitis. Fluoroquinolones are the most effective drugs, especially in the fight against chronic bacterial prostatitis.

Recently, a subgroup of tetracyclines is practically not used for the treatment of prostatitis, since it has many side effects. As an exception, the doctor may prescribe a drug that has the best tolerance level.

With prostatitis, the doctor must select the treatment regimen for an acute form, so in no case should you resort to self-therapy in order to avoid side effects.

For intramuscular injection, drugs from the cephalosporin subgroup may be prescribed.

prostatitis pills

Macrolides are prescribed less often than other drugs, since there is no clinical evidence of the appropriateness of their use in all forms of such a disease as prostatitis. In most cases, doctors prescribe them to combat individual bacteria, such as chlamydia or mycoplasma.

The treatment regimen for prostatitis should also be drawn up by a doctor who will take into account the characteristics of the body, as well as the results of tests and studies.

traditional medicine recipes

If we consider non-traditional methods of treating prostatitis, then we should also mention several effective folk recipes. If you choose the right funds, then with their help you can get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that such treatment must be complex, carried out in conjunction with the intake of drugs.

Particular attention should be paid to plants that have an anti-inflammatory effect. For example, do parsley seeds help to cope with such a disease? like prostatitis. This ingredient not only eliminates the inflammatory process, but also regenerates damaged tissues, while restoring sexual functions.

To prepare a remedy, you need to take two tablespoons of parsley seeds, pour them with a glass of boiling water. But before that, the seeds must be carefully crushed, for which you can use a coffee grinder. After that, the container is put on the stove over low heat and boiled for a quarter of an hour. The folk remedy is taken cold, one tablespoon five times a day.

Another effective folk remedy to combat prostatitis involves the use of hazelnut. For its elaboration, both the bark and the foliage of the plant can be used. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that these parts cannot be mixed with each other, since the crust has to be cooked much longer. To prepare the drug, you need a tablespoon of this plant. Raw materials must be poured with boiling water, cover the container with a lid and leave for about 30 minutes. Then strain the remedy and drink a prepared infusion of 50 g before eating 4 times a day. The duration of such therapy is at least 15 days.

pain in the lower abdomen with prostatitis

To combat chronic prostatitis, you can use a tincture prepared on the basis of aspen bark. To prepare this tincture, you need to take 100 g of raw materials collected in the spring, dry in the oven. After that, the bark is crushed to a powdery state, then the powder must be poured into a glass container, pour a glass of vodka. The container is closed with a lid and placed in a dark room for 15 days. Next, the remedy should be filtered and consumed 20 drops 3 times a day. If the drops have an unpleasant taste, they can be diluted with a small amount of plain water. This treatment should be continued for 2 months.

As an additional therapy, pumpkin seeds can be used. The fact is that the composition of this product contains zinc, which is simply necessary for the male body. Also, experts recommend using pumpkin seeds for men to prevent prostate diseases. For this, every day it is recommended to eat about 30 pieces of peeled raw pumpkin seeds.


An alternative to traditional medicine is apitherapy, which consists of a treatment with bees. The scheme for treating prostatitis with bees includes a treatment session, which consists of applying these insects with tweezers to sting certain points on the patient's body. When the bee stings the patient, the sting must remain on the body for another 15 minutes so that the poison is completely pumped into the body.

Sessions start with two insects at a time, gradually increasing their number to 40 pieces. The amount in this case will depend on the individual reaction of the body to apitoxin.

In total, there are two schemes for this unusual treatment. A specialist will select a specific one, taking into account the health characteristics of his patient. The first scheme is that the bees sting on the foreskin, but not on the head. This is believed to be the shortest route for bee venom to reach the prostate directly. The bite should remain on the foreskin for 10 minutes, after which the bite site should be treated with alcohol. Such treatment begins with the use of 3-5 insects, gradually increasing their number to 40. Apitoxin penetrates the prostate through the cavernous bodies. During this, blood flow and blood supply improve, swelling and congestion resolve, and the infection is destroyed. This therapy scheme involves precision in neglected forms that require surgery.

medications for prostatitis

The second option is acupuncture. In this case, the bees are placed at different points on the body. The treatment regimen is distributed per day:

  1. On the first day, a bite is needed between the index finger and the thumb of the right hand.
  2. On the second day, two bee stings are needed between the index finger and the thumb of the left hand.
  3. On the third day, three bee stings are required on the right elbow.
  4. On the fourth day, 4 insect bites are needed on the left elbow.
  5. On the fifth day, 5 bee stings to the solar plexus are required.
  6. On the sixth day: 6 insect bites in the groin area.
  7. On the 7th, 7 bee stings will be required in the coccyx area.
  8. On the 8th day, there should be 8 bee stings on the left calf muscle from the inside.
  9. On the ninth day, 9 bee stings are needed in the right calf muscle, also from the inside.
  10. On the tenth day, 10 insect bites are needed on the Achilles tendon of the left leg.
  11. On the eleventh day, you will need 11 bee stings to the Achilles tendon of your right leg.

After that, it is necessary to repeat the entire sequence, but in descending order, so that all points receive a different number of bites.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the treatment of prostatitis should be carried out comprehensively, including not only the use of antibiotics, but also the use of folk remedies, massage. In this case, the therapy is prescribed by a specialist, who is repelled by the individual characteristics of the patient's body.